Key Points
- If you ignore SWAT, our seven wonderful asthma tips, which can be found on the Managing Symptoms Page in the Knowledge Section, you risk having:
- Symptoms
- More frequent attacks
- Hospital admissions
- A poorer quality of life
- Follow your asthma plan:
- If you need 4 puffs of your reliever every 4 hours for 48 hours, get help
- Take 10 puffs of your reliever if you:
- Feel no benefit from 4 puffs
- Have a really tight chest or bad wheeze
- Feel too breathless to walk, talk or eat
- If you don’t feel better, call 999 and continue to take 1 puff every minute until you get help
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#1. Which of the following statements is the odd one out when considering the consequences of poor asthma control?
The correct answer is b) – a sore throat.
#2. What is an asthma attack?
The correct answer is c) – the worsening of symptoms and a poor response to reliever medication. It is due to bronchoconstriction and bronchospasm (the narrowing and tightening) of the airways, which can result in low oxygen levels and is treated by powerful, emergency asthma medications.
#3. What must you do when you have an asthma attack?
The correct answer is c) – take 4 puffs of your reliever using a spacer every 4 hours. You should only increase your preventer if the doctor or nurse tells you to. When you have an asthma attack, you should follow the instructions in your Asthma Plan and tell others as you may need help.
#4. What must you do if the 4 puffs of your reliever are not working?
The correct answer is d) – take 10 puffs of your reliever inhaler using a spacer and tell an adult.
#5. Which of the following is used in the Emergency Department to treat a severe asthma attack?
The correct answer is b) – a nebuliser.
#6. How can you prevent a serious asthma attack?
The correct answer is b) – avoid your triggers where possible. You should also use your preventers every day as instructed, attend asthma reviews regularly and take your inhaler correctly ensuring that you are standing up. Think SWAT (Seven Wonderful Asthma Tips).